Accentuate the Positive

Day 4 and 5 of the SLS Event have come to a close. This educational event turned out to be a wonderful week. I am so excited to get back to my students equipped with a fresh outlook and more "tools" in my teaching bag.

A couple things I want to point out about being a Speech Level Singing teacher is that we are held accountable. Every year a teacher is not only educated but we are tested according to our level so the leaders of the organization can make sure we are keeping everything pure and not straying from the structure and language. They also want to make sure we are progressing in our ability to assess a student's needs and that we maintain our competence to demonstrate the vocal exercises for the student in the correct and incorrect way. It is intensive but it is also a process.

The voice is a complex thing and I can't expect to learn everything overnight. I have to take it one layer at a time and stay positive as I gradually gain more experience and knowledge. In turn I can't expect a student to learn everything they need to learn in a half hour lesson. We set a goal and focus on that. The next lesson we continue to work on that goal or if it gets achieved we move on to the next goal. Even teachers in SLS who have been doing this for years and years say that they are still learning and growing. When I hear them say that and see the humble way in which they approach everything I think, "I can do this!!"

I think the key is to stay positive. Not only will it help me to grow but hopefully it will rub off on my students. A student today was psyching themselves out as they saw the scale they were singing ascend up and up. The teacher jokingly said, "Don't look at the keys!" Greg Enriquez said, "No, have her look at the keys. Have her face it. But instead of thinking, 'Aw man, this is my trouble spot,' look right at those keys and say, 'I am going to get you!" The truth is, if we put in the work and have the right tools we will be able to conquer those areas in our voice that are "trouble spots". Every singer's goal is to get to the bottom of their voice to the top and back down again with a balanced sound. And what I mean by balanced is that one's voice (when heard by a listening ear) has accurate pitch, a pure vowel, free floating vibrato, all bridges are available and in tact, and that there is an ease and presence to the voice from top to bottom. Once we can achieve all that, the real fun begins!

This week was an eye opener to me of what I have to work on and focus on, but it was also a great reminder of the strengths I already hold. In staying positive, focused and working hard, I cannot help but achieve my goal as a teacher of SLS. I look at all of the information and skills I have to digest and become proficient at and say, "I am going to get you!"
