Steel Magnolias

I have so much to catch up on in this blog! I am going to have to back up a few months and begin by saying, "I had one of THE best summers!!" I got cast in three of the four plays at the Old Lyric Rep in Logan, UT. It was amazing to go back to my old stomping grounds in Logan. I lived in Providence (a little town just outside of Logan) when I was a little girl. (age 4 til almost 9) And then I returned to the area to attend Utah State and live there as a newlywed from 1990 to 1997. I had done the Lyric theater back then almost every summer and it was wonderful to come back.

The first show that opened the season was Steel Magnolias. I had done the show before with SGMT in Southern UT and I played Shelby, the daughter. (Wonderful experience) This time around I played M'Lynn, the mom. Our cast (from L to R) included: MarKaye Hassan as Annelle, Arika Schockmel as Truvy, Mitzi Mecham as Clairee, Jackie Fullmer as Ouiser, myself and Amanda Mahoney as Shelby. This cast was outstanding. Not only uber talented but also a group of very kind, generous and funny women. The onstage chemistry was tangible and I can't think of a better bunch to rely on as I had to go to a very vulnerable place and cry my eyes out each night. They were always right there with me and it made my job so much easier.

Our director, Terence Goodman was at the helm of the production. His directing style is very hands on and it was overwhelming at times for me to keep up with all that he wanted to pull out of me. The first scene and the last scene were particularly a challenge for me. The first scene I had to play against the instinct to "be likable". Very little to no smiling or laughing. I was a stressed out woman getting ready for her daughter's wedding and in order for my character arc to work I had to start with a woman perceived as a tough southern gal, no nonsense.

The last scene where I have to convey all aspects of a grieving woman was where I felt I grew and learned the most as an actress. Terence grilled me and coached me and we would try something and if it didn't ring true we would go at it from a different angle. I was so exhausted after each rehearsal where we worked that scene. The final product was something I was very proud of  and I was so surprised that I was able to cry every performance. I had not been able to do that before. If I don't feel it, I can't make it happen, so it was wonderful to be given the tools I needed to get where I needed to go every night.

Honestly, I was frustrated with Terence at times. But, I was determined to not shut myself off from where he was trying to take me and in the end, it worked! I felt like I wasn't relying on my "bag of tricks". I had created a character that I felt was different in many ways from what I had ever played before. It was exciting and scary all at the same time.

During the course of the rehearsal we grew close as a cast and crew. With an all woman cast and stage management team it felt natural to bond as women do and there were some of us who had to deal with some real life experiences that were not easy. Those experiences were shared and we supported each other in reality and that carried over onto the stage. Each night as I went through each scene, I could look at any time at any of those women and they were in the moment. Listening, reacting with honesty and if one of us would drop a line, one of us would pick it up and we were back in business. It was awesome!

This show ended up being a big hit for the season. People related to it in a positive way. I was surprised at how many men loved the show and would cry at the end right along with the women in the audience. It was a great way to open the season.
