I have been involved with Sleeping Beauty's Dream for well over a year now. I did the reading last year and now am a part of the production being staged by the Sting & Honey Company at the Waterford School Black Box. This particular piece of theater has resonated with me from the first time I read it. First, I was grateful for the rich, powerful, intelligent roles that were written for women. Second, I was touched by the way in which it wasn't a preachy, platform piece, but a multi-layered text that when read over and over again something new emerges that I could take with me depending on where I was mentally or spiritually in my life. Thirdly, the male roles were equally varied, textured and strong. And fourth I am a HUGE fan of clowning, particularly the 'heart clown' variety and this play has one of those as well. Simple, hilarious, and most lovable.
This play matters. In a time of unrest, uncertainty and discrimination. This beautiful piece of theater allows adults and children alike to sit in a darkened theater and take in what it means to love, sacrifice, and what is worth fighting for. There is a time to rescue and a time to be rescued. There is a place for all, even if you are simple, or boastful, or beautiful, or old, or young. There are times when there will be sadness and fear followed by times of feasting and laughter. Life in all its facets...time passing too quickly, youth turning to wisdom, and dreams becoming a reality. It's magical, yet applicable. Come see this play, take it in, and then go forward being better for it.
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