Tamari Vocal Recital Series: Lovesick Blues

 My third song in this series is Lovesick Blues written by Hank Williams. I posted Patsy Cline's rendition of this song on an earlier post about my audition for The Old Lyric's production of Always, Patsy Cline. I didn't end up getting into the production, they cast a woman who apparently rocks and has played the role a few times. Regardless of my losing out on the part I had a BLAST preparing for the audition and learning all about this remarkable artist, Miss Patsy Cline. Now she is a regular on my i-pod and I hope to one day get the chance to portray her. This song was hands down my favorite to sing. For the recital I gave it a little 'Patsy' and a little 'Tamari'. Another quick side note is that I was unable to find sheet music or a minus track in Patsy's key. Everywhere I looked they only had Hank Williams' version, so a dear friend of mine who is talented beyond belief listened to my recording of Patsy and within 20 minutes had a minus track made up for me. Thank so much Brenda!!! And now...Lovesick Blues...

Lovesick Blues
