Vocal Recital 2011: When Will My Life Begin

Here is Ivy singing When Will My Life Begin from Tangled for my recital. It was fun to work with her on this song. She is a little young in my opinion to start vocal lessons. Maybe next year or the year after. She has great pitch and intonation and to top it off, she loves performing. She gets kind of shy especially the older she gets. But I am the same way so I am not too worried about it.

For this song we mainly worked on how to perform a song like this in front of an audience. She just wanted to stand and sing the song...that is fine. But I know she is capable of interpreting the song and actually conveying the message to the audience. We talked about what it meant to be a character on stage. Even when one isn't in full costume the performer can still bring meaning to the song. She fought me on it, so I used examples of other children performing on YouTube and she was able to see the difference of someone just standing and singing with no body language or facial expression and those that put more into it and thought about their audience and what their experience would be watching the song. I filmed her both ways and she finally determined that my way was the what we needed for this particular venue.

I didn't want to push her but I wanted her to understand that it was OK to let loose and use more expression. I wanted her to discover it on her own and it be her own decision so she saw the logic behind it and she wasn't just doing it because "mom told her to". She did very well and I was so proud of her.


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