Audra McDonald In Concert

 Ivy and I got to attend Audra McDonald's Concert in Ogden. 
 We were pretty excited! Well, I was more excited, I think. I had seen Audra years earlier in 110 in the Shade at Hale Center Theatre Orem. It was an intimate space and her performance changed me. I was in high anticipation to have Ivy see her in action. 
 It was two glorious hours and I think Ivy was impressed. Not only does Audra have impeccable technique, but she is a master storyteller. 
I wanted Ivy to see how the acting and singing could come together in such a way that it goes from just being a good singer to being an artist. Someone who paints pictures spins webs and transports the audience to a different place. A place that we feel something. A place where we might want to change for the better. A place where we aren't so sad anymore. A place where we are all unified as one. No matter our backgrounds or beliefs. Music through artists like Audra has the power to lift, inspire and unify. That is the kind of artist I strive to be. I was well fed tonight and learned so much. Thanks, Audra! 
